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Construction Industry and Environment (ABPL90310)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2024
About this subject
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This subject aims to develop an understanding and awareness of the life cycle environmental effects of building design and construction, including the approaches that can be used to assess and minimise them, with a particular emphasise on life cycle assessment.
Through an introduction to environmental assessment, including ‘input-output analysis’, this subject articulates the many linkages connecting construction to the rest of the national economy, the production underlying it, and the resources consumed in the process.
Organised as an advanced seminar, the subject will expose students to the latest developments in environmental assessment techniques and their application within the built environment.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, students should be able:
- To develop an awareness of the current techniques for quantifying and assessing environmental effects.
- To teach students how to use environmental assessment techniques to improve the environmental performance of the construction industry.
- To provide a theoretical framework for macro-scale examinations of the construction industry.
- To build an appreciation for the position of construction within natural and economic environments.
- To supply analytical and critical tools for the evaluation of construction strategies at industry and project level.
Generic skills
At the completion of the subject students should have developed the following skills and capabilities:
- Ability to capture and analyse data to make informed decisions;
- Ability to map or imagine construction-related connections within the economy;
- Ability to present environmental performance information in a range of formats;
- Ability to appreciate the indirect consequences of construction activity;
- Ability to critically evaluate the work of others and provide constructive feedback.
Last updated: 8 November 2024