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Primary Arts Education 1 (EDUC90887)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 6.25Not available in 2024
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This subject introduces Teacher Candidates to the field of arts education, with a focus on drama, music and the visual arts in primary education, and the role of digital and design technologies within the arts. Teacher Candidates will engage in theoretical and practical studies to become familiar with a range of knowledge, skills, processes and pedagogies for developing drama, music and visuals arts programs in the primary school. Teacher Candidates will explore digital and design technologies through the lens of design thinking and the arts, involving strategies for planning, analysing and generating designed solutions. They will examine the place of arts education and digital and design technologies in current policies including national and state curriculum developments, as well as national and international platforms such as UNESCO. Through reflection on their studio experiences, Teacher Candidates will understand the ways in which learning in the Arts and digital and design technologies supports cultural understanding, creativity and innovation, imaginative uses of technology, and communication through contemporary, traditional and emerging arts forms.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, Teacher Candidates should be able to:
Graduate Standards refers to the Graduate-level Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
- Demonstrate strong subject and pedagogical content knowledge and understanding of the Arts teaching area and the digital and design technologies curriculum, specifically design thinking strategies for planning, analysing and generating designed solutions (Graduate Standards 1.2, 2.1, 6.2)
- Reflect critically on the ways students learn in and through the Arts, with reference to arts education theoretical perspectives (Graduate Standards 1.2, 2.1),
- Draw upon a range of resources (strategies, ideas, tools, and techniques) for supporting student participation and engagement in arts-based classroom experiences (Graduate Standards 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6)
- Understand the place and role of the Arts and digital and design technologies in the Victorian curriculum and whole school policy (Graduate Standards 2.1, 2.3)
- Positively identify as a member of a community of arts learners (Graduate Standards 6.3, 6.4)
- Work collaboratively in a group to create artworks and designed solutions (Graduate Standards 4.1, 6.3, 7.1, 7.4)
- Demonstrate knowledge of digital and design technologies and blended learning resources to cater for a diversity of needs and purposes (Graduate Standards 2.6, 3.4)
- Reflect on their own developing capacity, confidence and agency for teaching in the Arts to improve student learning (Graduate Standards 1.1, 2.1, 4.1)
Generic skills
This subject will develop the following set of key transferable skills:
- Clinical reasoning and thinking
- Problem solving
- Evidence based decision making
- Creativity and innovation
- Teamwork and professional collaboration
- Learning to learn and metacognition
- Responsiveness to a changing knowledge base
- Reflection for continuous improvement
- Linking theory and practice
- Inquiry and research
- Active and participatory citizenship.
Last updated: 6 July 2024