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Health Communication Skills 1 (GENE90004) // Further information
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Further information
- Texts
Prescribed texts
A reading pack of selected reading will be available. Library available with selected texts with GHSV.
Recommended texts and other resources
Grief issues – Recommended Texts (plus handouts in tutorials and directed reading)
- Bowlby, J. (1973) Attachment and Loss, Vol 2 Separation, Anxiety and Anger. NY Basic Books
- Cook & Oltjenbruns (1989) Dying and Grieving: Lifespan and Family Perspectives. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, California U.S.A.
- Davies, Betty (1999). Shadows in the Sun – The Experiences of Sibling Bereavement in Childhood. Taylor & Francis U.S.A.
- Doka, K.J. (1989). Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow, New York: Lexington Books.
- Herbert, M. (1996). Supporting Bereaved and Dying Children and their Parents, Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research Ltd.
- Kubler-Ross Elizabeth (1969). On Death and Dying. Chelsea House Publishers U.S.A.
- Kubler-Ross, E. (1983). On Children and Death: How Children and Their Parents Can and Do Cope With Death, New York: Touchstone.
- Murray-Parkes Colin (1987). Bereavement: Studies of Grief in Adult Life, International University Press Inc: New York
- Silverman, Nickman & Klass (eds) (1996). Continuing Bonds: New Understandings of Grief Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 1996
- Stroebe & Schut (eds) (2001). Handbook of Bereavement Research: Consequences, Coping and Care, Stroebe, Hansson
- Worden J William (2002). Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy, a Handbook for the Mental Health Professional
- Wright, B. (1992). Skills for Caring: Loss and Grief, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Family Systems – Recommended Texts
- Byng-Hall, J.(1995). Creating a family science base: some implications of attachment theory for family therapy. Family Process, 34(1), 45-48
- Eunpu, D. (2010). Genetic Counseling strategies for working with families. In B le Roy, P McCarthy Veach, D Bartels (Ed.) Genetic Counseling Practice: advanced concepts and skills (pp235-251) New Jersey USA: Wiley-Blackwell
- Evans, C. (2006). The gene and the family system Genetic Counselling: A Psychological Approach (p 95-114). Cambridge University Press
- Gaff Clara I, Bylund Carma L. (eds) 2010. Family Communication About Genetics. Oxford OUP
- Galvin Kathleen, Bylund Carma L, Brommel Bernard J. (2008) Family Communication: Cohesion and Change 7thed, Boston. Allyn and Bacon
- Galvin, K.M, Young, M-A (2010). Family Systems Theory. In C Gaff, C Bylund (Ed.) Family Communication About Genetics, Theory and Practice (pp102-119). New York, USA: Oxford University Press
- Galvin, K.M., F.C. Dickson, and S.R. Marrow, Systems theory: Patterns and (w)holes in family communication, in Engaging Theories in Family Communication: Multiple Perspectives, D.O. Braithwaite and L.A. Baxter, Editors. 2006, Sage: Thousand Oakes, CA.
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This subject contributes to the following:
Type Name Course Master of Genetic Counselling - Available to Study Abroad and/or Study Exchange Students
This subject is available to students studying at the University from eligible overseas institutions on exchange and study abroad. Students are required to satisfy any listed requirements, such as pre- and co-requisites, for enrolment in the subject.
Last updated: 8 November 2024