Access to Justice on Country (LAWS90257) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2024 version of this subject
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Attendance, participation and satisfactory behaviour. Hurdle requirement: Satisfactory participation in subject, including attendance at all class and travel unless with reasonable excuse. Satisfactory behaviour during travelling component, including reasonable punctuality, active participation in seminars, observance of cultural protocols and respectful engagement with guests. | Throughout the teaching period | N/A |
Reflective assignment (marking code 3)
| Due before departure for travel. | 15% |
Reflective assignment #2 (marking code 3)
| Due upon return from travel. | 15% |
Blog post on a topic developed by the student and approved by the subject coordinator
| During the teaching period | 20% |
Legal writing piece on a topic to be approved by the subject coordinator (marking code 2)
| End of the assessment period | 50% |
Additional details
The due date of the above assessment(s) will be available to students via the Assessment Schedule on the LMS Community.
Last updated: 8 November 2024