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Organisation and Management (MGMT10003)
Undergraduate level 1Points: 12.5On Campus (Dookie)
Availability | Semester 1 |
Fees | Look up fees |
The subject examines the business environment and the role of the manager, including an overview of the nature and history of management, the forces affecting contemporary organisations, and the management skills needed to succeed in today's business world. Students should gain an understanding of the definition of management, be able to describe the kinds of managers found in organisations, and identify and briefly explain the four basic management functions. The subject will focus on the roles and skills of management with special attention to managerial responsibility for effective and efficient achievement of goals. Special attention will be given to the importance of managerial ethics and social responsibility in management and how managers can influence their organisations’ ethics and social responsiveness. The concepts and theories related to goal setting and planning, strategy formulation and implementation, management decision-making, and increasing productivity through control systems will be reviewed. Issues relating to designing an effective organisation structure, managing organisational change, and maintaining an effective workforce will also be explored. Considerable reliance is placed on case analysis to refine the capacity of students to apply relevant theory and principles.
Intended learning outcomes
Students will develop an understanding of:
- Management theories and philosophies
- Functions of management and leadership
- Power and authority in organisations
- Organising the workplace (organisational structures and job design)
- Improving organisation effectiveness
- Change management
- Groups and teams
- Communication and interpersonal skills
- Motivation and job satisfaction
- Conflict management
- Social responsibility of organisations
Generic skills
This subject encompasses particular generic skills so that on completion of the subject students should have developed skills relating to:
- The use of electronic forms of communication
- The student's flexibility and level of transferable skills should be enhanced through improved time management
- Working collaboratively with other students
- Enhanced ability to communicate their ideas effectively in both written and verbal formats
- Accessing information from the library via both electronic and traditional means
- Problem solving and critical thinking
Last updated: 8 November 2024