Politics and Business in post-Mao China (POLS90013)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2024
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Over the past two decades, the role of the Chinese state in the country"s economic development has changed considerably. The state planning agencies no longer decide what and how much should the country"s enterprises produce. Many of the old and inefficient state-owned enterprises have been transformed into market-driven businesses. Some of these companies (still state-controlled) have become global players in sectors such as oil and gas. The so-called non-state companies also occupy an important place in the country"s economy. Ideology is no longer an important factor in decision-making and capitalists are welcome to join the communist party. This course will examine the relationship between the growing power of business and the political process in China. We"ll look at how the emergent class of professional managers and entrepreneurs attempts to convert its economic status into political advantage. A number of theoretical frameworks will be used to explore this relationship, including neo-traditionalism/clientelism, democratisation (civil society) and state corporatism. Students will also be encouraged to compare China"s experience with that of other transitional societies.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject students should:
- understand the dynamics of state-society relations in contemporary China;
- become familiar with key frameworks for the analysis of government-business relations;
- develop an understanding of the politics of co-optation within the Chinese context;
- have an understanding of the process and forms of lobbying in China;
- develop a familiarity with the political beliefs of China's private entrepreneurs and managers.
Generic skills
On completion of this subject students should:
- be able to apply research skills and critical methods to a field of enquiry;
- be able to develop persuasive arguments on a given topic;
- be able to communicate oral and written arguments and ideas effectively and articulately.
Last updated: 8 November 2024