Russian 4 (RUSS20005)
Undergraduate level 2Points: 12.5On Campus (Parkville)
Availability | Semester 2 |
Fees | Look up fees |
The overall goal of this intermediate Russian subject is to enable students to move from the private to the public sphere of discourse so that they begin to engage with more sophisticated cultural and social topics in listening, reading, writing and speaking. Students will encounter visual and printed texts that allow them to view multiple perspectives and genres in both written and oral forms (literature, film and information texts). Instead of the traditional approach to language instruction that is structured around a sequence of grammatical topics, this subject relies on the texts themselves to provide the textual, informational and lexico-grammatical features that serve as the basis for developing students' language abilities.
The subject's emphasis on improving students' ability to narrate, compare and contrast, express opinions and establish causal relationships in speaking and writing lays the groundwork for the historical texts used in Russian 5 and 6.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should:
- Be able to interpret and synthesize information from texts of intermediate difficulty about the self, other people and places from a variety of audio-visual media
- Be able to engage with Russian literature (short story) in the original
- Be able to start to develop a more advanced vocabulary from a range of communicative situations
- Be able to use more advanced grammatical and syntactic structures of Russian
- Have developed an openness to the world and an awareness of cultural and historical contexts
- Be able to find information from various sources, including dictionary, library and the internet
- Have become familiar with Russian cultural traditions and practices, and to appreciate regional diversity
- Be able to develop a differentiated and informed understanding of self and other and of cross-cultural exchange
- Be able to apprehend and appreciate features of the interaction of language and identity.
Generic skills
At the completion of this subject, students should:
- Have acquired more advanced skills necessary for future research (library, internet, cross-references etc.)
- Have gained sophisticated analytical tools for understanding the system of language
- Have acquired foundations in intercultural communication practices
- Have acquired written communication skills through writing and seminar discussion
- Be able to show attention to detail through preparation and writing
- Have acquired time management and planning skills through managing and organising workloads for regular (weekly) assignment completion
- Have acquired public speaking skills through tutorial and seminar discussion and class presentations
- Have developed the ability to reflect on their language learning process and on linguistic and cultural differences of the target language and cultures.
Last updated: 14 March 2025