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Science Communication (SCIE90012) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2024 version of this subject
Description | Timing | Percentage |
One written assignment "Writing for different audiences" (1500 words, plus 500 words of peer review). Initial submission for peer review will occur in week 4, final submission in week 8
| From Week 4 to Week 8 | 20% |
Written project proposal for group project
| Week 5 | 10% |
Individual oral presentation
| Week 7 | 10% |
Online science blog (minimum of 2000 words). Students must post to the blog at least once a fortnight during semester and also respond to the posts of other students
| During the teaching period | 20% |
Group project (approximately 60 hours of contribution to group work). The product of the projects will be project-specific. However each group will give a 10-minute oral presentation in the last week of semester
| During the teaching period | 40% |
Last updated: 16 November 2024