Master of Biomedical Engineering (MC-BIOMENG) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
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Lionel Lam
Professional accreditation
EUR-ACE® (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer)
The Master of Biomedical Engineering is fully accredited by Engineers Australia and EUR-ACE® (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer)
Engineers Australia and EUR-ACE® (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer)
The Master of Biomedical Engineering is fully accredited by Engineers Australia and EUR-ACE® (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer)
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this course, graduates will:
- Apply knowledge and practice in medical technologies, health informatics and healthcare to generate societal and economic impact through innovation, translation and commercialisation;
- Demonstrate knowledge and practice in the design and operation of devices and processes, and the application of engineering skills to new medical treatments, instruments and machines;
- Apply knowledge and practice across the fields of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, biofluid mechanics, biomaterials, electronic circuits, bioinstrumentation, and biomedical engineering regulation;
- Apply knowledge and practice in advanced biomedical engineering topics, which might include computational biomechanics, medical imaging, neural information processing, computational genomics, tissue and soft matter engineering, and systems and synthetic biology
- Demonstrate problem solving and trouble shooting skills that may be applied in professional practice;
- Apply knowledge and practice in biomedical engineering management including economics, intellectual property, ethics, regulation, and the law as it applies to the biomedical engineering profession;
- Demonstrate the ability to complete a piece of original research either within an industrial setting or in a laboratory, involving the collection of data, its quantitative analysis and interpretation;
- Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills that enable a meaningful contribution to the biomedical engineering community and broader society;
- Demonstrate effective team membership and leadership skills;
- Demonstrate and epitomise professional ethical behaviour and responsibilities towards the profession and community, including having positive and responsible approaches to personal safety, management of information, and professional integrity.
Generic skills
- An understanding of the changing knowledge base in biomedical engineering;
- An ability to evaluate and synthesise the research and professional literature in the biomedical engineering discipline;
- Skills and techniques applicable to biomedical engineering;
- Well-developed problem-solving abilities, characterised by flexibility of approach;
- Competencies in engineering professional expertise and scholarship;
- A capacity to articulate their knowledge and understanding in oral and written forms of communications;
- A thorough understanding of the international context and sensitivities of biomedical engineering;
- An appreciation of the design, conduct and reporting of original research;
- A capacity to manage competing demands on time, including self-directed project work;
- A profound respect for truth and intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of scholarship;
- An appreciation of the ways in which advanced knowledge equips the student to offer leadership in the specialist area;
- The capacity to value and participate in projects which require team-work;
- An understanding of the significance and value of their knowledge to the wider community (including business and industry);
- A capacity to engage where appropriate with issues in contemporary society; and,
- Working skills in the application of computer systems and software and a receptiveness to the opportunities offered by new technologies.
Last updated: 14 March 2025