Master of Music (Performance Teaching) (MC-MUSPT) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Leon de Bruin
Students currently admitted in this course:
Future students:
Professional accreditation
The course offers Primary Level Suzuki Teacher Accreditation through the elective subject Suzuki Practicum which is provided in conjunction with the Suzuki Talent Education Association of Australia [Victoria] Inc. and is recognised by the Talent Education Research Institute [Japan] and the International Suzuki Association.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this course, graduates will be able to demonstrate:
- a high standard of performance on their selected instrument or voice as required of a teacher of music performance;
- a professional level of expertise and competence as an instrumental or vocal music teacher;
- excellent communication skills in diverse contexts including clear articulation of the issues concerning instrumental or vocal music teaching and performance;
- an applied understanding of research principles and methods applicable to music performance learning and teaching and including skills in critical reflection, writing and artistic communication;
- the application of the links between planning, teaching and evaluating for learning in the context of music performance;
- a range of teaching approaches and the use of a variety of technologies in the delivery of instrumental or vocal individual lessons that will serve to foster independent, reflective, motivated and cooperative learning;
- a mature engagement with and understanding of the principles of teamwork in collaborative music making;
- an enhanced ability to apply their expertise in music performance teaching to a range of individual students with specific needs and from culturally diverse backgrounds;
- a commitment to developing and refining their performance and teaching practices; and
- a coherent personal philosophy of instrumental or vocal music teaching.
Graduate attributes
The graduates from the Master of Music (Performance Teaching) course should be:
Academically excellent and musically skilled as teachers of music performance as a result of:
- intensive and rigorous one-to-one and group tuition in performance and group-based learning in performance pedagogy and related music discipline areas; and
- participation in a diversity of teaching and learning experiences in music including individual tuition, group tuition, practicum experience, tutorials, master classes, on-line learning, seminars, lectures, and subjects taught in intensive mode.
Artistically sophisticated with a high level of understanding of the aesthetic of their discipline, honed through learning, practice, critical reflection and performance, with high levels of personal autonomy and accountability.
Experienced in assessment practices that demand independent thinking, critical analysis and an openness to new ideas through:
- informed discourse about instrumental and/or vocal music pedagogy; and
- focussed study of assessment practices suitable for music performances and their implementation.
Familiar and competent with written and spoken communication, the ethics of scholarship, basic research protocols through a program of specific music performance teaching subjects, including individual tuition, applied and pedagogical music studies, and professional teaching practice.
Creative and critical music performers, teachers and thinkers with highly developed skills for on-going, self-directed professional learning.
Knowledgeable across the disciplines of music performance and instrumental / vocal teaching including the associated areas of cognitive development and psychology of music.
Accepting of the responsibility to move towards intellectual independence and towards accountability in terms of both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Able to plan and execute a research project or a capstone project in music performance, music performance teaching or conducting.
Leaders in performing and teaching communities with knowledge developed through:
- a program of professional (teaching) practicum;
- high level development of teamwork and group dynamic skills through participation in group activities in music learning; and
- extensive knowledge of curriculum development and implementation that would be appropriate to a range of community, TAFE, studio and other educational settings.
Attuned to cultural diversity through:
- the opportunities provided that involve thinking about difference in ways of being musical as well as participating in music from other times and places;
- familiarity with culturally diverse ways of conceptualizing, discussing and teaching instrumental and vocal music; and
- performing and learning in groups with students from varied cultural and musical backgrounds.
Active global citizens through:
- participation throughout the course in the inherently international nature of music in all its manifestations; and
- striving to be facilitators and communicators between the diverse cultural communities found in the range of settings where performing and/or music performance teaching takes place.
Last updated: 22 March 2025