Supply Chains in Construction (ABPL90309) // Assessment
About this subject
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Four in-class quizzes (fortnightly) to demonstrate an understanding of supply chain management concepts and other relevant subject content | Throughout the teaching period | 10% |
Draft Supply Chain Report due in week 6, describing the current performance of a construction firm and supply chain management-related initiatives that may be used to improve its overall performance, Hurdle requirement: Completion of this assessment task | Week 6 | N/A |
Peer review, critically analysing the work of a peer, providing constructive feedback, and demonstrating an understanding of construction supply chains and how supply chain management-related initiatives can be used to improve their performance
| Week 8 | 15% |
Final Supply Chain Report, describing the current performance of a construction firm and supply chain management-related initiatives that may be used to improve its overall performance
| Week 10 | 55% |
Class presentation, communicating recommendations for improving the performance of a construction firm based on an analysis of current performance and a detailed understanding of supply chain management-related initiatives
| Week 12 | 20% |
Last updated: 4 March 2025