Literacies, Languages, and Learners (SI) (EDUC91206)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Online
Availability | Semester 2 - Online |
Fees | Look up fees |
This subject introduces Interns to the theory and pedagogies of language and literacy education, emphasising the increasing complexity of literacy in secondary schools. Recognising the interrelationship between literacy and learning, Interns are supported to identify both the language and literacy needs of their students, and the language and literacy demands of their learning areas. This subject references the Australian/Victorian Curricula and Frameworks.
Interns will be introduced to a range of teaching strategies across the language modes - speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing - and supported to select best practice pedagogy and assessment to develop their classroom practice.
Embedded throughout this subject is the Clinical Teaching Model, which will support Interns to select and integrate teaching strategies and resources, including ICT, and to assess and provide feedback to students to meet their learning needs.
The assessment tasks in this subject will support Interns to apply their understanding of contemporary theories and pedagogies of language and literacy to the language and literacy demands of their learning areas to develop, structure and sequence learning programs and use assessment and feedback to support student learning.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, Interns should be able to:
- Critically reflect on contemporary theories and pedagogies of language and literacy education, and the implications for effective teaching practice.
- Analyse and apply knowledge of the language and literacy demands of learning areas to differentiate teaching and learning for students across the full range of abilities.
- Integrate teaching strategies and resources, including ICT, that support all students to successfully negotiate the increasing complexity of literacy in secondary education.
- Select assessment, diagnostic and feedback strategies to assess and support the language and literacy development of students across the full range of abilities.
Generic skills
On completion of this subject, Interns should be able to demonstrate:
- Clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice.
- Critical and creative thinking.
- Creativity and innovation.
- Teamwork and professional collaboration.
- Learning to learn and metacognition.
- Responsiveness to a changing knowledge base.
- Linking theory and practice.
Last updated: 13 March 2025