Business Analytics and Decision Making (ISYS90094)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2025
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Business analytics involves the use of data to support business decision-making. Topics covered include business decision-making, evidence-based management, data warehouse design and implementation, data sourcing and quality, on-line analytical processing (OLAP), dashboards and data mining, case studies of business analytics practice.
Students enrolled in the Master of Information Systems with a weighted average mark of at least 75% can take ISYS90094 Business Analytics and Decision Making instead of ISYS90086 Data Warehousing subject to approval from the Coordinator of the Master of Information Systems.
This subject introduces the concepts of business analytics, decision making, data warehouse design, data warehouse modelling, data quality, data warehouse implementation - including the extract-transform-load (ETL) process, and data warehouse use in supporting business analytics – including decision making tools and OLAP. Readings are provided for all topics that introduce real world cases on business analytics and related areas and include the use of business analytics in organisations.
The subject also explores how organisations gather and generate multiple forms of information, and how this information is analysed and converted into useful knowledge via individual judgement and organisational learning processes. In applying empirical and analytical approaches to practical situations, students will develop insights into both the nature of the business problems as well as methods that are used for identifying and evaluating alternative solutions. The subject content will include conceptual foundations, practical tools, and case studies to discuss the costs, benefits and risks of the various analytical methods that will be introduced.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject the student is expected to:
- Have developed a sound knowledge and understanding of Business Analytics and Decision Making in the context of management practice of Information Systems in Organisations
- Have developed and applied skills in critical thinking and systems analysis to identify, evaluate and/or communicate strategic and operational issues suited to the application of Business Analytics and Decision Making in the real-world practice of Information Systems
- Have developed and applied skills related to business communication, interpersonal, and team skills suited to the application of Business Analytics and Decision Making in the real-world practice of Information Systems
- Can demonstrate an understanding of professional codes of conduct and ethical standards as they apply to Business Analytics and Decision Making in business practice
- Research and argue disparate beliefs/theories of Business Analytics and Decision Making
Generic skills
On completion of this subject, students should have developed the following generic skills:
- High level of development: collaborative learning; problem solving; team work; interpretation and analysis; critical thinking
- Moderate level of development: oral communication; written communication
Last updated: 4 March 2025