Business Model Innovation (MGMT90225)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5On Campus (Parkville)
Availability | Semester 1 |
Fees | Look up fees |
This subject discusses the business model as the mechanism used by entrepreneurs to deliver value to their selected target markets, as well as the method by which entrepreneurs capture value. This is a dynamic process that underpins the commercialisation of innovation. This subject has a detailed and advanced examination of the challenges of designing and implementing a business model., the skills, resources and relationships needed to manage activities like designing customer value propositions, protecting intellectual property and potentially pivoting, and the strategic execution capabilities that can lead to the creation of successful business model. The subject also considers the way that emerging concepts like shared value can be incorporated into a business model. This is done though comparative analysis of competitors who use different but equally successful business models, as well as considering applications where business models have failed. The subject also examines metrics for assessing the ongoing health of the business model, as well as business models as a form of innovation in their own right, not just a vehicle for entrepreneurship.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the business model in the context of the broader business, economic and regulatory context
- Understand the challenges in desgining and executing a business model
- Understand the role of business models in successful entrepreneurship
- Discuss business models as a form of innovation
- Incorporate the idea of shared value into business models
- Create a business model for an organisation.
Generic skills
High level of development;
- Develop problem-solving skills through exercises and cases
- Think critically, and organise knowledge, from consideration of the lecture material
- Develop creative ways of solving unfamiliar problems, through case analysis and activities
- Learn to adopt new ideas, from participation in the lecture program and assessment
Moderate level of development
- Plan effective work schedules, to meet the regular deadlines for submission of assessable work
- Present an argument, by reflecting on those presented in the lecture series and readings
Last updated: 4 March 2025