Intrapreneurship: Implementation (MGMT90284)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2025
About this subject
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More and more companies engage in intrapreneurship (I.e., corporate entrepreneurship) to discover new ways to grow and become more innovative. Corporate entrepreneurship requires an entrepreneurial mindset and the adoption of approaches that help companies to identify new business opportunities. However, to be successful, it is not sufficient to identify new business opportunities; companies also need to successfully implement these opportunities. In this subject, we will focus on how companies can successfully do so.
The subject will discuss the topic from two perspectives. First, from the perspective of the organization at large: how to create an environment in which great ideas for new business opportunities are considered, nurtured and implemented? Second, from the perspective of the change agent, the ‘entrepreneur in residence’: how does the entrepreneur in residence make sure that their ideas are heard and acted upon?
The subject will particularly focus on how to implement (rather than identify) opportunities for change and new ways to grow in a successful way, resulting in sustainable value creation for the organization.
This subject will give you tools, methods and logic that will enable you to participate in or lead successful efforts in corporate entrepreneurship – in particular efforts to implement entrepreneurial opportunities.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of theories, concepts and frameworks explaining (the barriers to) implementation of entrepreneurial opportunities in existing organisations
- able to identify and apply various tools, methods, and approaches that organisations can employ to enhance intrapreneurship, particularly those that facilitate opportunity implementation
- Identify tactics to address major challenges that militate against the implementation of entrepreneurial opportunities in existing organisations and how to navigate these challenges
- Gain case study skills
- Demonstrate team collaboration skills when engaged in intrapreneurship
- Demonstrate appropriate communication skills when implementing entrepreneurial ideas
- Be able to apply critical thinking and creative problem solving to implement innovative solutions to complex problems
Generic skills
High level of development
- Develop problem-solving skills through exercises and cases
- Think critically, and organise knowledge, from consideration of the lecture material
- Develop creative ways of solving unfamiliar problems, through case analysis and activities
- Learn to adopt new ideas, from participation in the lecture program and assessment
Moderate level of development
- Plan effective work schedules, to meet the regular deadlines for submission of assessable work
- Present an argument, by reflecting on those presented in the lecture series and readings
Last updated: 4 March 2025