Repetiteur Skills (MUSI90232)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5On Campus (Southbank)
Availability | Semester 2 |
Fees | Look up fees |
Repetiteurs in this class will advance their skills by focusing on nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century repertoire, with particular emphasis given to the concerns of score reduction and conducting ensembles from the keyboard, the class being taught on piano. Students will learn techniques to reduce predominant orchestral scoring styles and be given effective techniques for scanning and sight-reading the full score.
Attention will be paid to score reduction to provide melodic and harmonic clarity and support for the singers. The subject also explores how to conduct from the keyboard, especially in ensembles where the repetiteur is both playing the piano and conducting. To achieve these skills, students will work collaboratively with the lecturer to read through a range of opera scores, and prepare materials for a specific opera or opera scenes.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, students will be able to:
- employ score reduction techniques used by repetiteurs;
- interpret stylistic and historical factors that have influenced the development of the opera full and vocal score from the nineteenth century through to the present day.
- evaluate critically the piano part of the vocal score and what it can and cannot achieve when rehearsing opera with singers;
- demonstrate skills of playing and the ability to follow a conductor, as appropriate for an opera repetiteur.
- critique and self-evaluate score reduction and conducting techniques, when working in collaboration with singers.
Last updated: 4 March 2025