Communicating Science at Work (SCIE90034) // Assessment
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Attendance and participation during class including giving peer feedback 10%. To receive the full 10 marks, students must attend 80% of classes and participate in activities including speaking to the class, role plays and giving feedback to classmates. | Throughout the teaching period | 10% |
Written professional biography suitable for social media or CV
| Week 3 | 10% |
Written assignment communicating technical information to different audiences. Initial submission for peer review due week 5, final submission due week 8
| 1500 words (week 5) plus 400 words of peer review (week 8) | 25% |
Individual oral presentation (equivalent 1000 words)
| Between week 9 and 10 | 25% |
A digital folio produced as a group (3-4 students) comprising at least three different communication outputs required for an international project
| During the examination period | 30% |
Last updated: 4 March 2025