Executive Master of Arts (MC-EMA) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Program Director:
Dr Anna Kosovac
Email: anna.kosovac@unimelb.edu.au
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
Intended learning outcomes
Students who complete the Executive Master of Arts should have:
- The ability to apply critical and creative thinking to a range of professional and workplace contexts;
- Transportable practical communication skills across a range of professional and workplace contexts and media;
- Familiarity with key concepts and theoretical tools in ethics;
- Understanding of different contexts, definitions and applications of leadership;
- The ability to conduct work activities in an ethical and responsible manner;
- Skills in critical discourse analysis and intercultural communication;
- The ability to employ and critique principles of financial, budget, resource and risk management;
- Demonstrated capacity for project teamwork.
Generic skills
The Executive Master of Arts offers advanced training for students aspiring to leadership roles in their future professional careers. EMA graduates should have acquired skills in the areas of:
- Leadership and professional communication
- Ethical practice
- Financial management
- Critical analysis and creative thinking
- Project management
- Team work and professional networking.
Graduate attributes
The EMA is designed for students who are seeking to acquire marketable professional skills; opportunities for further intellectual and personal growth and development; opportunities to network with their fellow students and community leaders; and how to apply their knowledge to the ‘real world’. The degree is a qualification designed for students seeking to enter professional employment.
Academically excellent
The EMA will be subject to a continuous cycle of review through constant refinements in teaching and learning principles and approaches. The compulsory completion of a core suite of professional module subjects ensures a valuable cohort experience as well as depth of study.
Knowledgeable across disciplines
The EMA offers students a core program designed around professional skills acquisition as well as a range of subjects from the humanities, social sciences and languages. All EMA students will complete seven skills subjects as well as subjects that offer cross-cultural perspectives on a number of historical and contemporary themes, and each of which has been designed collaboratively by teachers drawn from a number of different disciplines.
Leaders in communities
The EMA has been designed to train students aspiring to leadership roles in their future careers. It facilitates the development of excellent interpersonal and communication skills through subject content and assessment practices, and through the commitment of the degree to small-group interactive teaching and learning environments. The provision of research and knowledge transfer opportunities enables the development of public discourse skills and an extensive awareness of community issues and global needs.
Attuned to cultural diversity
The EMA offers students the opportunity to explore aspects of cultural diversity and indigeneity. Many of the degree’s discipline-based subjects are concerned specifically and analytically with cultural diversity, from language, Asian studies and historical studies, through comparative social science studies, to the explicit study of culture itself. EMA students will be exposed specifically to cross-cultural issues through both the core and elective subjects. All EMA students will be given the opportunity to undertake an internship or group work that will provide them with experiences outside their own immediate cultures.
Active global citizens
EMA graduates will be equipped to be active global citizens by virtue of their leadership skills, academic excellence, their inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural knowledge, and their community and cultural awareness.
Last updated: 14 March 2025