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Database Systems & Information Modelling (INFO90002) // Assessment
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Semester 1
Tanya Linden
Semester 2
Tanya Linden
Description | Timing | Percentage |
One team based database design assignment (20%) with 3-4 team members, comprising of a database design and a data dictionary equivalent to approximately 3000 words, released week 2 and due in week 6, requiring approximately 26-30 hours of work per student. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO's) 1 to 3 are addressed in the database design and data dictionary.
| Week 6 | 20% |
One set of SQL answers to a series of questions run against a known database with fixed data content (10%) of approximately 1000 words, released in week 6 and due in week 9, requiring approximately 13-15 hours of work. ILO 4 is addressed in the assignment.
| Week 9 | 10% |
Quiz x 2- (total 20%). LMS timed 2 quiz from week 6 to Week 12. Quiz 1 – 15% (to cover ILOs 1,2,8) 70 minutes Quiz 2 – 5% (to cover ILOs 5,6,7) 40 minutes
| Week 6 and Week 12 | 20% |
One written 2 hour end of semester examination (50%). ILO's 1 to 2 and 4 to 7 are addressed in the examination.
| During the examination period | 50% |
Last updated: 8 November 2024