Advanced Biological Modelling: Dynamics (MAST90127)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2025
About this subject
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This subject builds on your knowledge of how biological modelling provides insight into complex biological phenomena. With a focus on mechanistic modelling and viewing biological systems as dynamic in nature, you will learn how to develop and implement “real-world” models, applicable to current open problems in computational biology. Advanced approaches to model-based analysis of data will be introduced, including Bayesian hierarchical modelling. Software languages and packages for modelling and statistical analysis (e.g. SBML and STAN) will be introduced. Motivating problems will be drawn from across the spectrum of biology from genetics to ecology.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, students should:
- Have knowledge of and an ability to correctly apply relevant physical and biological concepts to the development of biological models
- Have developed high level modelling (mathematical and computational) skills that can be used to study a range of problems in computational biology
- Be able to use and develop software to run and explore the behaviour of a range of biological models
- Understand and be able to apply relevant statistical techniques for the exploration of model behaviour and the estimation of model parameters
- Be able to interpret and evaluate models of biological processes in a variety of contexts
- Have developed sufficient competency to be apply these skills and techniques to open problems in biology
Generic skills
- In addition to learning specific skills that will assist students in their future careers in science, they will have the opportunity to develop generic skills that will assist them in any future career path. In particular: - modelling skills: the ability to abstract and generalise from observations of a complex system, providing an alternative perspective on the problem - numerical and computer simulation skills: the ability to design computer programs to solve models and test hypotheses - time-management skills: the ability to meet regular deadlines while balancing competing commitments.
Last updated: 4 March 2025