Integrated Ophthalmic Sciences (OPTO90027)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 75On Campus (Parkville)
Availability | Year Long |
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Note: This subject is only available to students enrolled in the Doctor of Optometry.
This subject recognises that a scientific understanding of vision derives from an inherently multidisciplinary foundation, knitting together threads from many core fields including optics, mathematics, biochemistry, anatomy, histology, physiology, medicine and psychology. It broadly conceptualises this diverse collection of subject content into three tightly interwoven streams: the first of these is optics relating to vision, the second is biological systems underpinning vision, and the third is visual function itself, which emerges only by appreciating and exploring the various degrees of overlap among the other streams.
By following both the classical and modern research literature, students will explore in depth the interactions between light and biological tissues and consider how optical theory can be plied to provide visual optical instrumentation allowing exploration of the parameters and fitness of the eye. They will appreciate how the anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the visual organ and its neural radiations place constraints on the rich information presented to higher brain centres, and how optical imperfections can be quantified and rectified to improve sight. By examining the detailed anatomy of the orbit and its contents, including the extra-ocular muscles and their actions, students will understand how binocular visual functions depend both on the hardware of orbital mechanics as well as the interpretative and control systems of distinct brain areas. The subject reinforces experimental approaches used to measure sensory modalities to gain an understanding of how each anatomical and physiological feature of the eye-brain system is critical for functions serving normal visual perception.
While the scope of this subject is a complete understanding of the normal human visual system, the subject draws heavily on comparative anatomy and physiology, describing how human eyes are at the same time both similar and dissimilar to those of other species regarding general structure and resulting functional attributes such as the perception of colour, motion perception, and our spatial vision sense. Congenital and acquired visual anomalies will also be used throughout the course to highlight the astonishing confluence of coordinated growth and maintained activity required of normal visual function while also illustrating visual dysfunction as a precursor to more detailed study in later (clinical) subjects.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject students should be able to:
- explain the structure and function of the normal human visual system and its physical, chemical and biological foundations;
- quantitatively describe light and its passage through optical systems (including ophthalmic instruments, ophthalmic lenses and the eye), and quantitatively assess the nature and quality of optical images;
- describe the anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, and genetics of the visual system and associated structures at all stages of the lifecycle;
- describe the basic psychophysical measurement methods, including key elements of stimulus presentation;
- describe how stimulus parameters (eccentricity, size, duration, colour) and adaptation state of the observer affect vision;
- explain the fundamental sensory processes of vision, including: intensity discrimination, dark adaptation, spatial vision, contrast sensitivity, temporal vision and colour vision;
- illustrate how original clinical research, fundamental research, and experimental models are used in optometry and vision sciences to inform how the eye-brain system is critical for functions serving normal visual perception;
- illustrate how a complete understanding of vision requires integration of knowledge from optics, biological systems and visual functions; and
- link abnormal structure and function to key ocular and visual system diseases.
Generic skills
On completion of this subject students should be able to:
- apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to new problems;
- communicate clearly in written and oral forms;
- work as part of a team to address a common goal;
- manage competing demands on time, including self-directed project work;
- show a respect for truth and intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of scholarship;
- articulate the interpretation of data in written form;
- integrate knowledge from different domains;
- value the collection and recording of accurate and complete data; and
- reflect upon and identify deficiencies in knowledge, skills and attitudes and consider strategies to address those deficiencies.
Last updated: 4 March 2025