Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Systems (MC-BUSAIS) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Simon Milton
Melbourne Business School
Admissions Office
200 Leicester Street
Carlton Victoria 3053 Australia
Tel: +61 3 9349 8200
Melbourne School of Engineering
Ground Floor, Old Engineering (Building 173) Current students:
Phone: 13MELB (13 6352)
+61 3 9035 5511
Prospective students:
Phone: +61 3 8344 6944
Intended learning outcomes
The key objective of the combined management degrees (MBA and PDM) with the Master of Information Systems (MIS) is to equip students with capabilities to lead IT within contemporary organisations. In addition to broad management education achieved through the programs within the Melbourne Business School, the combined degrees cover management awareness of critical inter and intra organizational systems, the ability to assess emerging technologies for business benefit, as well as capabilities in handling IT strategy and governance and in achieving compliance, and protecting digital assets against threats.
Students also gain a broad business and real world perspective together with experience in applying business communication, interpersonal, and team skills to real situations. Further, critical thinking and analytical skills are honed through a mixture of advanced teaching models including case-based, experiential, and team-based approaches.
Graduate attributes
The MBA/MIS and MIS/PDM are advanced combined degrees and are informed by the best available evidence-based research. Students are expected to demonstrate advanced independent critical inquiry, analysis and reflection. The Melbourne Business School components (MBA and PDM) use the highly respected case driven learning model that combines cutting edge management analysis of real firms with interactive methods. The MIS component has significant engagement and involvement from local and international practising information systems professionals and is informed by relevant industry-based research.
Last updated: 18 December 2020