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Specialist Certificate in the Management of Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders (SC-MGTNOD)
Specialist CertificateYear: 2019 Delivered: Online
About this course
Principal Coordinator
Larry Abel
Melbourne School of Professional and Continuing Education
Further Information: https://study.unimelb.edu.au/find/courses/graduate/specialist-certificate-in-the-management-of-neuro-ophthalmic-disorders/
Award title | Specialist Certificate in the Management of Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders |
Year & campus | 2019 — Parkville |
Fees information | Subject EFTSL, level, discipline and census date |
Study level & type | Graduate Coursework |
AQF level | Non-AQF |
Credit points | 25 credit points |
Duration | 6 months part-time |
The Specialist Certificate in the Management of Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders offered by the Department of Optometry & Vision Sciences in the School of Health Sciences is designed to enable optometrists to extend their abilities to evaluate the sensory and motor pathways of the visual system, both in the context of evaluating visual complaints themselves as well as gaining further knowledge of how visual and ocular motor signs may reflect a range of systemic conditions, particularly of the central nervous system. Because complaints related to these pathways may reflect problems arising anywhere from the anterior visual pathways to the higher-order visual cortices, optometrists should benefit from gaining a deeper understanding of the current state of knowledge of these pathways and their assessment.
It is achieved through successful completion of one compulsory 25 point subject, Management of Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders (formerly Management of Neural Disorders of Vision).
Last updated: 18 December 2020