Place Making for The Built Environment (ABPL90404)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5On Campus (Parkville)
Availability | Winter Term |
Fees | Look up fees |
Placemaking is a worldwide movement focusing on the process, development and design of public or shared semi-private places through the active participation of the citizens. The aim of placemaking is to achieve place attachment which is linked to positive citizenship, health and safety. This subject outlines and critiques the placemaking process in relation to the long-term benefits of place. The subject is based on case-studies, and provides lectures and practical exercises on the critical steps of placemaking. Topics include: governance and community engagement strategies, negotiation processes, place evaluation, integrating nature into place and the economics of place. Different models for placemaking will be explored such as tactical urbanism, guerrilla urbanism, creative placemaking and regenerative placemaking. The subject has been written by the Place Agency Consortium, a group of five universities working towards enhancing place co-creation capacity in students and industry.
Intended learning outcomes
Having completed this subject it is expected that the student be able to:
- develop the theoretical and practical foundations of place and placemaking
- understand array of strategies to conduct placemaking practice (i.e. participatory planning, interactive placemaking), their potential and limitations
- understand the role of interdisciplinary in placemaking
- demonstrate reflective and reflexive practice
- contextualise placemaking to urban, peri-urban and regional areas.
Generic skills
- Understanding different approaches to placemaking Analysing social and cultural context Case study analysis for place Creative and critical thinking and analysis Written and verbal presentation of ideas Effective communication skills Negotiation skills and stakeholder management Building a business case for placemaking
Last updated: 3 November 2022