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Design Studio C (ABPL90437) // Assessment
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Booklet (Interim): submission containing evidence of understanding of Indigenous cultural competencies, knowledge of relevant architectural precedents and theories, appropriate to the studio provocation. Format: A5 digital booklet, 48 pages +/-10%
| Week 4 | 15% |
Concept Design: Design submission and verbal/visual presentation (7 minutes). Representations of the architectural design appropriate for consulting with 'clients'/stakeholders/users. Format: Concept model(s), 2 x A2 dwgs, or 10 pptx slides
| Week 7 | 10% |
Booklet (Final): Re-submit revised and developed booklet containing evidence of application of Indigenous cultural competencies, knowledge of relevant architectural precedents and theories, design research to the design challenge; as well as iterative exploration and critical evaluation of the developing design. Format: A5 digital book, 96 pages +/-10% (inclusive of interim submission)
| Week 10 | 15% |
Resolved Design: Design submission and verbal/visual presentation (10 minutes). Representations appropriate to show architectural design resolution. Format: equivalent to 2sqm (min) – 3sqm (max) of pin-up space; and model(s) - physical or digital.
| During the examination period | 60% |
Additional details
Summer Term - Assessment Due Dates:
Final Booklet Submission: by 22:00 Sun 4th Feb
Resolved Design Submission: by 22:00 Wed 14th Feb
Final Booklet Submission: by 22:00 Sun 4th Feb
Resolved Design Submission: by 22:00 Wed 14th Feb
Last updated: 8 November 2024