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Simulation in Surgical Education (MEDS90015)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2024
About this subject
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Simulation as an educational method is of growing importance in surgical education. Several drivers contribute to this growth including the patient safety movement, safe working hours and technology developments of simulators.
In the United Kingdom, the Chief Medical Officer has identified simulation as one of the top five challenges for the health services and education in this decade. The last twenty years has seen an exponential growth on scholarly work on surgical simulation with specialised journals competing with clinical practice journals for impact factor.
In the United States, it is now mandatory for surgeons to be credentialed in simulation for specific surgical procedures prior to performing the procedures on real patients. It is likely this trend will expand to more procedures and across national boundaries.
The Australian Government is also planning substantial investment in simulation-based education for medicine, nursing and allied health professionals. This subject will contribute to students' understanding of social, political, economic and educational aspects of simulation.
This subject explores the scope of simulation as an educational method for surgical practice. It goes beyond the role of simulators for the development of psychomotor skills to include blended simulation modalities and the role of simulated patients. Additionally, the validation of simulators will be explored considering industry standards.
The overall aims of the subject are:
- To explore the role of simulation as an educational method for surgical training
- To identify benefits and challenges of simulation in surgical training
Intended learning outcomes
After completing the subject participants should be able to:
- Discuss the rationale for simulation-based education in surgery
- Discuss the educational theory relevant to simulation-based education
- Outline essentials for effective simulation-based education
- Describe and appraise simulator technologies to support surgical training e.g. ASSET
- Describe the capability of simulation to develop the complex sets of skills required for safe surgical practice
- Outline the role of simulated patients in surgical education
- Describe educational methods for effective teaching of clinical communication
- Describe the role of simulation in supporting the development of teamwork skills
- Design a learning activity for a session on clinical communication or team working.
Generic skills
- Integration of complex simulation strategies into cohesive educational strategies
- Understanding of educational models and strategies for integrating and assessing simulator-assisted teaching
- Study skills related to a range of educational methods
- Presentation skills
- Academic reading skills
- Academic writing
- Applying theory to practice
- Reference manager skills
- Work effectively within a small group
- Learn independently
Last updated: 8 November 2024