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Biomolecular Structure Determination (SCIE90026) // Eligibility and requirements
Eligibility and requirements
Non-allowed subjects
Inherent requirements (core participation requirements)
This subject requires all students to possess:
- the ability to comprehend complex science and technology related information;
- the ability to clearly and independently communicate a knowledge and application of science, and technology principles and practices during assessment tasks;
- the ability to actively and safely contribute in laboratory, and excursion activities.
Students must possess behavioural and social attributes that enable them to participate in a complex learning environment. Students are required to take responsibility for their own participation and learning. They also contribute to the learning of other students in collaborative learning environments, demonstrating interpersonal skills and an understanding of the needs of other students. Assessment may include the outcomes of tasks completed in collaboration with other students. Students who feel their disability will impact on meeting this requirement are encouraged to discuss this matter with the relevant Subject Coordinator and Student Equity and Disability Support website: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/student-equity/home
Last updated: 8 November 2024