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Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (MC-TEACHEC) // Course structure
About this course
Principal Coordinator
Jeanne Marie Iorio
Melbourne Graduate School of Education
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
- Contact Stop 1
Future students:
Course structure
Teacher Candidates complete 200 points of study over two years full time or three and a half years part time to complete the Master of Teaching.
The first 150 points (3 semesters full time; or 5 semesters part time) comprises the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood), which provides a qualification for registration to teach in early childhood settings. Three placements are completed across the Clinical Teaching Practice subjects; 60 days in early childhood settings and 5 days in a primary school setting.
The final 50 points (1 semester full time; or 2 semesters part time) can be undertaken via the options below, to complete the Master of Teaching (Early Childhood):
- Coursework: a capstone experience and electives;
- Research Pathway*: 50 points of research preparation for entry to higher degree research programs and one elective.
*In order to be eligible to apply for the Research Pathway Option, Teacher Candidates must achieve an average of at least H2A (75%) in the:
- first 100 credit points of the program for full-time mode students; or
- first 112.5 credit points of the program for part-time mode students.
All Teacher Candidates must meet the following course progression requirement:
The satisfactory completion of the Australian Commonwealth Government’s National Literacy & Numeracy Test administered by the Australian Council for Educational Research (independently of The University of Melbourne) is necessary in order for each Teacher Candidate to progress beyond 100 credit points (full time) or 112.5 credit points (part time) and continue to the final phase of their course.
Failure to satisfactorily complete the Test by this progression point will result in referral to the Melbourne Graduate School of Education’s Student Progress Sub-Committee and may result in exclusion from the course. Excluded Teacher Candidates may be granted an early exit award of a Graduate Diploma in Pedagogy (Early Childhood) (subject to satisfactory completion of relevant subjects). Alternatively they may be withdrawn from the course.
Subject options
Subjects undertaken in the first semester of program
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90895 | Educational Foundations (EC) | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90898 | Introduction to Clinical Practice (EC) | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90897 | Infant & Toddler Learning & Development | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90705 | Language & Literacy Learning in Children | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90892 | Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 1 |
March (On Campus - Parkville)
Year Long (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in second semester of program
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90891 | Becoming a Clinical Practitioner (EC) |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
EDUC90890 | 3-8 Year-Olds Learning and Development | August (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90899 | Numeracy in Early Childhood | August (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90893 | Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 2 |
Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville)
Year Long (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in third semester of program
Teacher Candidates that complete the first three semesters (150 points) can graduate with the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood).
Take the 4 subjects below; plus the subject in either the Coursework or Research Pathway Option
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90896 | Educational Leadership (EC & Prim) | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90563 | Engaging Children in the Arts |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
EDUC90889 | Scientific and Environmental Learning | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90894 | Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 3 |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Coursework Option
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90748 | Researching Education Practice (EC/EC&P) |
January (On Campus - Parkville)
February (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Research Pathway Option
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90419 | Education Research Methodology |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
February (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in fourth semester of program
Continue the Coursework or Research Pathway Option by taking the subjects listed for that option
Coursework Option
EDUC90749 and 3 electives
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90749 | Education Research Project (EC/EC&P) |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Research Pathway Option
EDUC90558 plus 1 elective
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90558 | Education Research Design |
Year Long (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
37.5 |
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90972 | Active Pedagogies | Summer Term (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90493 | Arts and Artistry: Studio to Classroom | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90609 | Australian Curriculum Perspectives | Not available in 2019 | 12.5 |
EDUC90425 | Australian Indigenous Education | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90841 | Comparative Education Systems & Contexts | Not available in 2019 | 12.5 |
EDUC90261 | Curriculum Frameworks in the IB PYP |
Term 2 (Online)
Term 4 (Online)
12.5 |
EDUC90740 | Historical Thinking | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90333 | Introduction to the IB |
Term 1 (Online)
Term 3 (Online)
12.5 |
EDUC90543 | Languages for Young Learners | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90504 | Leadership in Educational Settings |
Summer Term (On Campus - Parkville)
June (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
EDUC90861 | Leading Mathematics Across the School | August (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90913 | Personalising Learning with Technology |
Summer Term (Online)
August (Online)
12.5 |
EDUC90842 | Perspectives on Childhood and Youth | Not available in 2019 | 12.5 |
EDUC90711 | Physical Education Pedagogy | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90916 | Place Based Elective (Alternative) | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90922 | Place Based Elective (International) | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90919 | Place Based Elective (Indigenous) | June (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90923 | Place Based Elective (Rural / Remote) | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90976 | Positive Learning Environments | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90794 | Science in the Integrated Curriculum | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90974 | Teaching Critical and Creative Thinking |
Summer Term (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
EDUC90492 | Teaching for a Sustainable World | Not available in 2019 | 12.5 |
EDUC90727 | Teaching Global Perspectives | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90971 | Teaching in, through and across the Arts | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90915 | Working with Grammar in Context | Not available in 2019 | 12.5 |
Take the Year Long part time offering of Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 1, plus the first and second semester subjects.
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90892 | Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 1 |
March (On Campus - Parkville)
Year Long (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in first semester of part time program
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90895 | Educational Foundations (EC) | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90898 | Introduction to Clinical Practice (EC) | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90897 | Infant & Toddler Learning & Development | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in second semester of part time program
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90891 | Becoming a Clinical Practitioner (EC) |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
EDUC90890 | 3-8 Year-Olds Learning and Development | August (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Take the March part time offering of Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 2, plus the third and fourth semester subjects.
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90893 | Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 2 |
Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville)
Year Long (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in third semester of part time program
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90705 | Language & Literacy Learning in Children | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
EDUC90563 | Engaging Children in the Arts |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in fourth semester of part time program
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90899 | Numeracy in Early Childhood | August (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in fifth semester of part time program
Teacher Candidates that complete the first 150 credit points can graduate with the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood).
Take the 3 subjects below plus the subject in either the Coursework or Research Pathway Option.
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90896 | Educational Leadership (EC & Prim) | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90889 | Scientific and Environmental Learning | February (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
EDUC90894 | Clinical Teaching Practice (EC) 3 |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Coursework Option
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90748 | Researching Education Practice (EC/EC&P) |
January (On Campus - Parkville)
February (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Research Pathway Option
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90419 | Education Research Methodology |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
February (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Subjects undertaken in sixth semester of part time program
Coursework Option
Part time Teacher Candidates take 37.5 points of subjects which includes 3 electives.
Research Pathway Option
Part time Teacher Candidates take 31.25 points of subjects, which includes Part 1 of the continuing subject Education Research Study (EDUC90931; 18.75 pts) and 1 elective.
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90931 | Education Research Design Part 1 | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
18.75 |
Subjects undertaken in seventh semester of part time program
Coursework Option
Part time Teacher Candidates take 12.5 points to complete the Educational Research Project.
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90749 | Education Research Project (EC/EC&P) |
February (On Campus - Parkville)
July (On Campus - Parkville)
Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville)
August (On Campus - Parkville)
12.5 |
Research Pathway Option
Part time Teacher Candidates take Part 2 of the continuing subject Education Research Study (EDUC90932; 18.75 pts).
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
EDUC90932 | Education Research Design Part 2 | Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) |
18.75 |
Last updated: 10 February 2024