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Informal specialisationYear: 2019
Contact information
A/Prof Colette Boskovic
Ms Andrea Oliver
Email: a.oliver@unimelb.edu.au
In addition to satisfying the Faculty of Science entry requirements, students interested in entering the Graduate Diploma in Science (Advanced) Chemistry program should typically have completed a Bachelor of Science degree which includes some third year chemistry subjects. However, all applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the coordinator.
Hurdle assessment requirements: In addition to the Graduate Diploma in Science (Advanced) Chemistry requirements, students enrolled in this program must: attend all Safety and Induction program lectures and successfully complete the Safety Examination. Students who fail the Safety Examination will have to complete an additional study program and be reassessed. A pass in the Safety Examination (>65%) is required before students can begin their laboratory work. Students must submit a preliminary literature survey and research plan (10 pages of mixed text, diagrams and formulas) due at the end of the first semester of enrolment (pass/fail).
Components of assessment: The course comprises a research project component and an advanced coursework component. Their relative weightings are as follows: Chemistry Research Project component = 62.5 percent Chemistry Advanced Coursework component = 37.5 percent
Intended learning outcomes
The Chemistry program for the Graduate Diploma in Science (Advanced) is designed to:
- increase the student's knowledge and understanding of chemical science;
- develop the process and practice of chemical research;
- encourage the development of individual investigative skills, critical thought and the ability to evaluate information and analyse experimental data;
- promote the acquisition of experimental or theoretical skills in areas currently relevant to one of the research groups in the School of Chemistry;
- improve oral and written communication skills; and
- ensure that students receive essential training skills in laboratory safety procedures.
Last updated: 18 December 2020
Advanced Coursework
Students complete 12.5 points from:
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
CHEM90044 | Synchrotron & NMR Structural Techniques | April (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90050 | Spectroscopy of Metal Complexes | March (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90051 | Advanced Mass Spectrometry | April (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
and 25 points from the following subjects:
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
CHEM90039 | Advanced Organic Synthesis | April (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90040 | Biological and Medicinal Chemistry | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90041 | Exciton Science | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90042 | Automatic Chemical Analysis | March (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90043 | Atmospheric Chemistry | Not available in 2019 | 6.25 |
CHEM90045 | Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry | April (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90046 | Magnetism in Chemistry | Not available in 2019 | 6.25 |
CHEM90047 | Organic Electronics | March (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90048 | Lasers in Chemistry | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90049 | Advanced Materials & Characterisation | July (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90052 | Catalysis | Not available in 2019 | 6.25 |
CHEM90053 | Interfacial Chemistry and Sonochemistry | March (On Campus - Parkville) |
6.25 |
CHEM90054 | Radical Chemistry | Not available in 2019 | 6.25 |
Subject prerequisites: For stream specific requirements please click here.
Research Project
The research project involves the completion of:
- a preliminary literature survey and research plan (10 pages of mixed text, diagrams and formulas) due at the end of semester of enrolment (pass/fail);
- a major thesis, page limit of 30 pages due at the end of the second semester of study (90% made up from thesis evaluation (35%), oral examination (viva) on thesis (35%); and supervisor’s assessment of research performance (20%) based on attendance, application,initiative, and demonstrated skills);
- a project-related oral presentation (15 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion) to be scheduled during the second semester of enrolment (10%);
- Successful completion of a seminar series providing advanced theoretical and/or practical training (pass/fail).
Students will enrol in CHEM40008 Chemistry Research Project 25 points in semester 1 and CHEM40009 Chemistry Research Project 37.5 points in semester 2.
Code | Name | Study period | Credit Points |
CHEM40008 | Chemistry Research Project | No longer available | |
CHEM40009 | Chemistry Research Project | No longer available |
This program has a start-year and a mid-year intake.
Last updated: 18 December 2020